Talking Dateline: The Night Time Stopped

Josh Mankiewicz interviews Keith Morrison about his latest episode, “The Night Time Stopped.”  The hunt for the killer of champion cyclist Moriah Wilson in 2022 took detectives and the Dateline team…

Talking Dateline: The Killer on Camera 4

Josh Mankiewicz talks to Dennis Murphy about his recent episode, “The Killer on Camera 4,”  which follows the 2017 murder of Baltimore volunteer firefighter Jon Hickey, the victim of a…

Talking Dateline: The Perfect Life

Josh Mankiewicz and Andrea Canning discuss her latest episode, “The Perfect Life.” In 2012 the body of Jen Ramsaran, a mother of three, was found on a desolate stretch of road…

Talking Dateline: Death at the Spa

Andrea Canning interviews Josh Mankiewicz about his recent episode, “Death at the Spa.” In 2018, Ildiko Krajnyak was killed instantly when she opened a package bomb left at her California…

Talking Dateline: Family Matters

Josh Mankiewicz and Dennis Murphy go behind the scenes of Dennis’s recent episode, “Family Matters.” Since the 2014 killing of Florida State University law professor Dan Markel, Dateline has followed…